Good Staff is Hard to Find

And even harder to say goodbye to.

I’m pretty sure that Amelie and Andrew are magical, other-worldly beings sent to Enumclaw to bless Maria with the kind of help you don’t expect from the beverage business. What Maria did to deserve this is anyone’s guess, but whatever the reason, the gift of not one, but TWO, capable and charismatic employees is nothing to sneeze at, even if they have been coated in some kind fairy dust.

Four years is a great track record for any server to stay at one place, and though it was not our choice for them to leave, we know they’re excited about the new adventures ahead of them. We also know they’ll still be around, just on the other side of the bar with all of you!

So, what are Andrew and Amelie up to?

Andrew and his partner’s automotive detailing business has really taken off, so that will keep him plenty busy during the day. With more free time, he hopes to add volunteering hours at Featherhaven, an organization that cares for Washington’s native songbirds. He’s looking forward to hanging out at Plateau as a regular, so if you see him sitting down, don’t give him a hard time for not working, buy him a drink!

Amelie finishes up her LPN program at Green River College in August after two years of what sounds like some pretty hardcore studying. She was in 10-hour lectures five days in a row a few weeks ago! She has multiple interviews coming up and plans to continue her education after finding full time work as an LPN. Moving on from Plateau is bittersweet for her, but she hopes to stay connected to everyone she’s met there over the last four years.

We’re having an appreciation/going away party for these two on Saturday, July 27th, from 4pm to 7pm. Come by and say good luck to them in person! Please RSVP so we know how much complimentary food to provide by emailing us at:

Lyra Penoyer